Monday, December 14, 2009

My First...

time driving a car in Cambodia. Phnom Penh to be precise... well, it wasnt a long drive or a road full of horrendous drivers and riders... it was at night. well, 3 of us went for dinner and the initial driver was too drunk to drive... so i offered. he had his poison... WINE. lol. so, there i was, behind the wheels for the first time. felt really weird... its left-hand drive here in Cambo... so, as expected... was very tempting to drive on the left side of the road. took off, made a few turns, stuck behind some traffic... so far so good. it wasnt so bad after all. well, i cant compare that night with the peak hours during a workign day of course. it was my first... and a point was brought up; i have committed in total 5 offences on my first time! wtf??!?! below is the list...

1. Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
2. Driving without a license
3. Driving while using the mobile phone
4. Beating a red light 
5. Driving without a safety belt on

hmmm... i think i would have been in jail for life and fines up to millions of Riels if caught. dammit!



  1. Technology has to help human beings and we have to be very careful how we use the gadgets. I always stay connected with others, even while driving. I don't read messages received and refrain from texting while driving with mobile apps.

  2. hmmm, u must be automated...
